How to Read and Use Opportunity Cards

Opportunity cards are your way of tracking a sales opportunity from start to finish. The card offers much of its information at a glance.

opportunity_card_1.png         opportunity_card_2.png

The color bar on the left of the card coordinates with the assigned salesperson. Each CRM user is automatically assigned a color.

Tapping on the the opportunity card will open the Opportunity to the corresponding view of the stage the opportunity is currently in.

What do the icons mean?


Indicates that there are products associated with the opportunity.


Indicates that product samples are checked out.


Indicates that there is a Measure drawing associated with the opportunity.


Indicates that there is a quote associated with the opportunity.


Indicates that the opportunity has not been updated in over 7 days.


Indicates that there is a due or overdue task in the calendar associated with the opportunity.

Click on the icon to edit the appointment or add details about the visit.


Indicates that there is an upcoming task in the calendar associated with the opportunity.

Click on the icon to edit the appointment or add details about the visit.


Indicates there is a new communication from the customer.


Green coloration on the opportunity card indicates that the proposal has been "won".

lost.png Red coloration on the opportunity card indicates that the proposal has been "lost".
ready.png Indicates that all tasks associated with the opportunity have been completed.

Viewing an Opportunity

When you open an opportunity you can manage customer related information, communicate with the customer, advance the opportunity through the various stages, and much more. For information on how to edit opportunity name and information please see our corresponding article.


  1. Tabs to access the various ways to work within the opportunity.
    Overview, Pipeline, Activities, Chat, Questionnaire, and History
  2. Tools to communicate with the customer or view location on a map.
  3. Save all edits or cancel.
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