The Products Stage

In this stage products with room assignments can be added. These options can then be shared with the customer. This list of approved products and rooms can be assigned to a Measure project for the estimator to use.

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Add/Remove Products


  1. While viewing an opportunity select the Products stage of the pipeline.
  2. Search for products and select a color and a price level. Tap Add Product to add it to the opportunity. The search dialog will remain open until you tap Close.


  1. Tap the sub-menu icon sub_menu_button.png next to the product name and select Remove.
Assign Rooms to Products
  1. While in the Products stage tap "+Room" under a listed product.
  2. Begin typing a room name. You can type any name you wish or select from the default room name list.

     Tip: Room names listed are taken from the default room names list maintained in RFMS Online Services

Create Multiple Options/Assign Products to Options
  1. Tap the orange plus button orange_plus_button.jpg.
  2. Name the new option and tap OK to add it.name_new_options.jpg
  3. Tap this icon assign_product_to_option.jpg to select which option(s) a product will be assigned to.
  4. Tap the orange submenu button edit_or_remove_options.jpg to edit the option name or remove it altogether.

Attach Images to a Product
  1. Tap the camera icon camera_icon.jpg under the listed product.
  2. Choose a file or take a photo.
  3. These images can be included in the products document shared with the customer.
Share Products with the Customer
  1. Tap Share Products in the bottom left of the screen.
  2. My Flooring Link will open to a customizable document.share_products.png

     Tip: Individual lines can be included/excluded by clicking the checkbox next to the line item. Products that have a sample are indicated by the sample icon,sample icon MFL.png, shown after the product name.

  3. After customizing the document, select the Share button.
  4. Enter your message and choose to send by text message, email, or copy the link to send via another method. When finished tap Send.

 Tip: You can set a date that the link will expire on. Alternatively, the Revoke button can be used at anytime to remove access to the link.

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