How to Use the CRM Questionnaire

The CRM Questionnaire is a customizable list that can help you further the productivity of the CRM process.

Create and Manage the Questionnaire

The questionnaire is maintained in RFMS Online Services (ROS). It is accessible to those with administrator or manager roles.

  Note: Managers must have been granted site access to the questionnaire tile through the Site Permissions settings.

Questionnaire tile in RFMS Online Services
tile location.png

The ROS Questionnaire Screen

ros questionnaire overview.png

A. Add a question

B. Change the list position of a question

C. Refresh the page

Types of Questions

Question Type Explanation
Yes/No Yes and no radio buttons appear. Only one may be selected.
Number User may enter numerical value only.
Text User may enter any text or number value.
Multiple Choice Radio button appear with the options you have entered when creating the questionnaire. Only one may be selected.
Multiple Selection Dropdown with options that you have entered when creating the questionnaire. They have checkboxes and multiple may be selected.

question editing example.png

Edit or Delete a Question

  1. Select a question from the list.
  2. In the box that comes up you can edit the question and response options.
  3. Select Save to keep your changes or click Delete to remove the question from the questionnaire.
Viewing the Questionnaire in a CRM Opportunity

The questionnaire has a dedicated tab in a CRM opportunity.

questionnaire tab.png

crm questionnaire.png

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