Note: Marking an opportunity as Lost or Deleting it will affect your CRM Reports. For more information please see the article Understanding CRM Reports.
Marking an Opportunity as Lost
- The button to mark an opportunity as lost is located in the bottom left of an open opportunity card under the Overview tab:
- Opportunities can only be marked as lost when they have moved past the To-Do stage of the pipeline. If lost, a reason must be selected before it can be marked as lost.
- Lost opportunities are recorded in the Reports screen in RFMS CRM.
Reopening Lost Opportunity
Opportunities in the Lost column have a "reopen" button located under the Overview tab. When an opportunity is reopened it will be set back to the stage it was in when it was lost.
Deleting an Opportunity
For Estimators the Delete option is only available in the To-Do stage. After the To-Do stage only Administrators and Managers can delete an opportunity.
Managing Reasons for Lost Opportunity
Admins and Managers can log in to RFMS Online Services and maintain the list of reasons a user can choose from when an opportunity is to be marked as lost.
In the Pipeline section you can add or delete reason listed under the Lost stage.
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