
Images and documents can be attached to a quote or order via the Attachments tab in the right side section. For information on how to include attachments on the PDF proposal or order please see the article Customize PDF Document for Quote or Order.

Video Tutorial



 Note: Currently accepted file types are PDF, Word, Excel, TXT, GIF, JPG, and PNG. Please note that not all of these file types may be viewed within RFMS Mobile, but can be viewed when opened in Core.

Add Pictures in RFMS Mobile

  1. To add a photo to the quote or order, press the Attachments tab.
    To add a photo to a line item, first select the line item, then select the Attachments tab.
  2. For a Line or Quote/Order attachment you can either take a new photo, or select one from your photo library.
  3. Attachments can be added when viewing the quote or order, or when editing it.
  4. Attachments are automatically saved to the quote or order.


  • Names of attachments can be changed when attaching
    change file name attachment.png
  • If you take a photo with your device camera through the Attachments tab the image will also be saved to the devices gallery.

Other Attachments

  • In Measure Mobile, from either the Proposal or Installation screen, tap the send icon and choose the option to attach document to quote, estimate or order.
  • In Measure Desktop, from the print screen, select your reports, click the PDF button, choose the option "Send to RFMS Store as Attachment", and select OK.
  • Paperless users will have the option to select a document type
    Paperless doc type selections.png
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1 comment
  • Will these images also be visible to the client? For context we regularly send a proposal over for selection approval but without the client being able to see those images in that proposal this function wouldn't be productive. Thanks :-)

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