How to Adjust Costed Inventory through RFMS Mobile

The option to search and adjust inventory through Measure mobile is controlled through a user permission in RFMS Online Services. Please keep in mind that only inventory that has been costed is able to have inventory adjustments made.

adjust inventory permission.png

How To:

  1. Through the Inventory screen, search for the inventory you want to adjust.
    select adjust inventory.png
  2. Fill out the Adjust Inventory dialog.
  3. Select Save to make the changes.

Adjust Inventory Dialog

adjust inventory dialog.png

A. Date of adjustment. Can be entered manually or by selecting a date in the calendar.

B. Select Adjustment Type from drop down list. (Adjustment types are maintained through the Adjustment Type dialog in the Inventory module in Core.)

C. Ener the Invoice number related to the change.

D. Enter the New Amount of inventory

E. The difference will be auto calculated

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