This screen allows you to search Order Entry for quotes, orders, or estimates that you have created or have been assigned to you. Depending on your RFMS User permissions you may also be able to search quotes, orders, or estimates created by other users in your company.
Video Tutorial
How To:
- From the dropdown choose to search within Quotes, Orders, or Estimate (Bidpro)
- Use this dropdown to refine the search by status: Quotes: All, Open, or Exported; Orders: All, Job Costed, or Open
- Further refine the search by date: Last 30 days, Last 90 days, Last year, or Any date
- Choose to search only within your folder or all users in your company
- The search field uses RFMS Smart Search so you can enter any header information, ship to info, PO number, or job information to search by
- Tap Find to begin the search. The first 10 will be shown. Tap Find More to load additional search results
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