The quote or order must be opened for editing before you can add or edit lines. Tap in the top right to do this.
Editing a Single Line Item
These are the options that are available when a single line item has been checked.
- Change/Edit Product
- Assign Area
- Edit Line Group
- Adjust Quantity
- How to Add and Edit Work Order Lines
- Open Product Details
- Check Inventory
- Find Product Templates
- Add Bundled Products
- Adjust Price
- Line Notes
Line notes and internal line notes can be added here. For more information about where to put notes and how this information travels across RFMS applications please see the article Where do my notes go?
Take or attach a photo for the line item. Attach a PDF for the line item.
Tap this button to delete a selected line item.
Editing Multiple Line Items
These are the options that are available when more than one line item has been checked.
Tip: there are some option differences between quotes and orders as well as if the line items have different units of sale.
Take a photo or attach a photo or PDF to multiple lines at once.
Indicate if a sample for a line(s) has been taken. This option is only available on Quotes.
Tap this button to merge multiple lines into one. The lines must contain the same product.
Tap this button to delete multiple lines at once.
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