When a Measure project related to an opportunity has been published, or product selections through the Products Stage have been finalized, a quote can be made.
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The date the Measure project was published is shown under the Published heading of the Measure stage within an opportunity. There will also be a green checkmark on the opportunity card indicating that it is ready to advance to the next stage .
How To:
- Tap Create/Update Quotes button
- Select which project to base the quote off of and then choose Create
Multiple Quotes
If you are creating multiple quotes at once, select which is the primary quote. In addition, the quote with the highest total will be use for the opportunity's Estimated Value.
- The quote number will replace the opportunity ID number once it has been created. If multiple quotes are created, then the number of the primary quote will be used.
- When creating a quote you will be able to choose between automatically generating a quote number or entering one manually.
Linking a quote allows you to create an opportunity and send it through right to the Quote Stage.
How To:
- From the Overview section of the opportunity select the Link Quote button.
- Search for an existing quote or create a new one.
- Check the box to allow or not allow the header of the opportunity to be overwritten by the customer information for the quote. Click OK to link the quote.
- Move the opportunity to the quote stage and select Attach Linked Quote when prompted.
If you would like to create a quote using products selected in the Products Stage, simply go to the Quote Stage and choose Create Quote. You will be notified that this quote will be based off the information provided in the Products Stage.
From the Quote Stage tap the Share Quotes button. If there is more than one quote associated with this opportunity you will be able to select which one to share.
Customize the Document
- Select the customization options for the proposal document. Note: the option for Request Approval must be checked so the customer may approve the quote via this document
- When you are done customizing the document tap the Share button
Share the Document
- Check this box to include identifying information to be included at the start of your message to the Customer
- Write your custom message
- Choose whether to send the proposal document via text message or email
- Send the proposal
- In the case of an opportunity with multiple quotes, the approved quote will be selected by default when moving a quote to an order.
Will there ever be an option to link a Bid from BidPro instead of a Quote in CRM? We do not use Quotes at all.
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