The Measure Stage

The Measure stage allows you to schedule a custom measure appointment for the customer with an estimator. From this stage you can also create a Measure Mobile project that can be easily accessed from the assigned estimators Measure Mobile project folder. Notes and products/rooms assigned in the Products stage will carry over for the estimators use.

Measure Appointment Date and Time

When a date is set for a measure appointment the Opportunity card will be updated to include the green calendar icon, calendar_upcoming.png. You can select this icon to view/edit the upcoming appointment and add notes for the assigned estimator. 

edit calendar app from opp.png

For information on how to complete the Measure project please see the article How to Complete a Measure Project Created from an Opportunity.

To download the CRM Handbook see the article What is CRM?

  1. Go to the Pipeline tab
  2. Select the Measure stage
  3. Choose Create Measure
  1. Select Estimator
  2. Select Measure date and time
  3. Check estimator availability 
  4. Select template for project
  5. Enter private notes only the estimator will see
  6. Create Project


  • When a Measure is published there will be a green checkmark that appears on the opportunity card in the pipeline.
  • If the the opportunity has quote linked to it before entering the Measure stage, then when the opportunity is moved to the Measure stage a project will be created using that quote.
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