Taking Payment when Card is NOT Present

If the credit card is not swiped and the credit card information is manually entered this is considered a "Card not Present" transaction. This article will cover how to manually enter payment information in the RFMS Mobile app.

Video Tutorial


  1. Open an order and tap payment_button.png. If you want to be able to share the PDF document and capture a signature, tap sign_and_pay.png instead. 
  2. Enter the payment amount, choose Credit as the Method, and select a store code for the transaction. To enter payment information the option for Pay by Card must be selected. Then tap Collect.
    card payment screen one.png
  3. Select the Card tab for manual entry.
  4. If a card has been saved from a previous transaction, then you will have the option to use it. If there are no saved cards on file the option will not be available.
    saved card option.png
    Card information can be saved by checking the option for "Save for future use". (For more information on using and managing tokens please see the article Posting Payment Using Tokens and Managing Tokens.)
  5. Enter card information, billing address and billing postal code.
    payments flex card info screen.png
  6. Tap Pay to complete the transaction.
  7. Once processed the receipt will be sent to the store.
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