This article provides steps on how to activate an invitation to view Mobile Work Orders as an installer or field supervisor.
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How To
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How To
1. On your mobile device open the email from with the subject title "Installer Work Orders". Select the link in the email.
2. The link will open in your web browser to confirm that it is a valid link. Select the Activate button.
3. Once activated you will be prompted to open or install the RFMS Mobile app. Select the Activate Now button when inside the app.
4. When activation is complete you will be taken to the Dashboard. By default the current day will be shown along with any jobs for that day. (For more information on the Dashboard please see the article how How to Use the Work Order Dashboard.)
Below are some examples of messages you may receive that indicate a problem activating your invitation.
1. Already Active: Indicates that you have already successfully activated your invitation on your device.
2. Invalid Invitation: The invitation has already been used. If your device has been deactivated or you need to activate the invitation on another device, contact the company that sent you the invitation to request another.
3. Unable to verify your invitation: The invitation may be expired, you may not have a connection to the internet, or the session on may be expired. Check your internet connection, refresh the webpage, and/or open the link through the email again.
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