How to Use Mobile Work Orders

This article is for Installers that have been granted access to view Mobile Work Orders through the RFMS Mobile app.

Video Tutorial


Dashboard Views

day_view.pngDay View week_view.pngWeek View month_view.pngMonth View schedule_view.pngSchedule View

The default view for the Dashboard is the day view, set for the current date. Use the forward and back arrows to view future or previous days. If you are a Field Supervisor you can also select to change which crew schedule you are viewing. Different crews/depots are represented with a randomly assigned color. How many future or past days you can view is set by the company that issued your invitation.


View Work Order

Tap on a work order to open it. The work order is broken down into 3 sections. Customer Info, Line Items, and Tabs. Switching tabs will change the content accessible in the Side Section. Different Tabs will be available depending on if a Line Item is selected or not.


Options with no Line Item Selected
Work Order Attachments

The Work Order tab contains all of the information for the job. From here you can edit the Job Status if this is a part of your permissions.



Scrolling down the side section shows where you can enter and view notes. Notes are marked with the name of the commenter and a timestamp.


Options with Line Item Selected
Line Attachments

The Line tab contains information about the line item as well as notes. You can enter and view notes here. Notes are marked with the name of the commenter and a timestamp.


Format Work Order PDF

Tap the document icon, document_icon.png, to view the Work Order Document. In the right Side Section there are general formatting settings.


The different elements of the documents can also be edited. Tap on the areas with the dashed outline and edit the properties in the right Side Section.

Font formatting can also be done for individual line items by selecting them.


You an also select an element using the Format button.


Create PDF/Certificate of Completion

1. Create a PDF by either going to Order>Create PDF, or by tapping the PDF ion in the top right of the screen.


2. While previewing the PDF document you can obtain a signature, print the document, or email it using the send icon, send_icon.png


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