How to Add and Edit Users

License administrators and managers for a company can access RFMS Online Services to manage their users and user access.

Companies With RFMS Access

How To Add a User:

1. From the dashboard of the RFMS Online Services webpage select the Users tile.

(Click on image to enlarge)



2. Select the red plus icon in the bottom right of the Users screen.

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3. Email, Name, Password, and User Role are required fields when creating a user.

Optional settings are those granting access to the various RFMS Apps :

  • Measure Desktop
  • Measure Mobile
  • RFMS Mobile
  • CRM
  • Warehouse

A user must be authorized through this screen in order to use any of the RFMS Apps.

(Click on image to enlarge)


4. Once the form is complete, select Save.

Assigning User Roles:


Full access to the RFMS Online Services site. Includes the ability to manage users and their Cloud data.

manager_icon.pngManagers Access to Cloud data on the RFMS Online Services site. Can save and load projects from any other user's Cloud folder.
user_icon.pngEstimators Only have access to Measure and their own Cloud Storage folder. Cannot access the RFMS Online Services site.

 Additional Permissions

Super Admin This option can only only be seen by those with existing Super Admin permissions. Super Admins have the ability to view and manage card transactions through RFMS Online Services as well as add this permission to other users. For more information please see the article Viewing and Managing Card Transactions. 

Creating New Roles: 

If your company uses the RFMS Management System and other productivity tool, then you will have the option of creating additional roles and editing the permissions of these roles. For more information on how to do this please see our User Roles article.

Corresponding RFMS User:

The list of corresponding RFMS Users is based on those created within RFMS Core. Other than assigning a corresponding user within RFMS Online services no changes can be made.

Users authorized to RFMS Mobile must be associated with an RFMS user.

For more information on adding RFMS Users please see the article System Options - Users.

How to Add a User From an Existing User:

1. From the dashboard of the RFMS Online Services webpage select the Users tile.

2. Select the Copy icon the on the user card that you wish to duplicate.

3. From the new dialogue box that opens complete the name and email address for the new user. All other fields will have been copied over exactly as they are for the original user.


The only field that doesn't carry over is the Corresponding RFMS User. Users authorized to use RFMS Mobile must be associated with an RFMS user. The image below shows how the user role and authorized apps have already been selected.

Copies project settings within MM

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How to Edit a User:

1. To edit an existing user select the pencil icon on the tile with their username.

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3. All fields are editable except for the email address.

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 4. When all changes have been made, select Save.  

Companies Without RFMS Access

How to Add a User:

1. From the dashboard of the RFMS Online Services webpage select the Users tile.

(Click on image to enlarge)


2. Click the red plus icon in the lower right of the screen to add a user.

(Click on image to enlarge)


3. Email, Name, Password, and User Role are required fields when creating a user.

Optional settings are those granting access to the various RFMS Apps :

  • Measure Desktop
  • Measure Mobile

(Click to enlarge image)


4. Once the form is complete, select save.

How to Add a User From an Existing User:

1. From the dashboard of the RFMS Online Services webpage select the Users tile.

2. Select the Copy icon the on the user card that you wish to duplicate.

3. From the new dialogue box that opens complete the name and email address for the new user. All other fields will have been copied over exactly as they are for the original user.

How to Edit a User:

1. To edit an existing user select the pencil icon on the tile with their username.

(Click image to enlarge)


2. All fields are editable except the email address.

3. Click save when finished.

Changing a User's Password or Email Address

Changing a User's Password:

The currently assigned password cannot be seen or retrieved by an administrator or manager on the RFMS Online Services website. Only the user can retrieve their password by selecting the Forgot Password? option on the login screen on any of our applications. See also the article: Forgot Password.

The Change Password option for administrators and managers allows you to assign a completely new password to a user.

Changing a User's Email address:

If a user's email address has changed, then the username will need to be deleted and a new user account created. Any files stored in the cloud under their old username will need to be transferred to their new folder.

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