How To Manage Checklists

Create a New Checklist

Video Tutorial


  1. Login to RFMS Online Services (you must be an Administrator or Manager).
  2. Click on the Checklist Tile
  3. Click on the red plus icon, red_plus_icon.png, and select Add a Checklist add_new_checklist.png.
  4. Fill in the (a) checklist name, it's (b) level, and what (c) product category is associated with the list. Optionally, (d) select a specific product category to associate the checklist with instead of specific products.  Tip: Use this option if you want to take advantage of automatic product linking.
  5. Click Save to add the checklist.
Checklist Levels
These appear when using a product that is associated with that checklist
Appear on all projects
Appear on all projects and cannot be removed
Edit Checklists

Select a Checklist to Edit

  1. Select the checklist's name to open the checklist dialog box.
  2. Make any edits to the name, level, or product category.
  3. Select Save.


  • Use the handle, list_item_handle.png, to the right of the list, drag it up or down to change it's position on the list.


  1. Select the checklist's name to open the checklist dialog box.
  2. Select Delete.

Add or Edit checklist Items

Video Tutorial


Add Checklist Item

  1. Click the red plus icon, red_plus_icon.png, and select Add a Checklist Item add_item.png.
  2. Fill in the (a) item name, (b) assign a checklist, optionally (c) associate a product or service with the item, (d) check by default if you want the item to automatically be checked when the checklist appears on the project.
  3. If a product or service has been been selected, you will need to select a calculation method
  4. Select Save.

Edit Checklist Item

  1. Select a Checklist so the icon is a checkmark, selected_list_or_item.png.
  2. Select the name of the checklist item to open the item dialog box
  3. Make any edits to the item name, checklist it's assigned to, or product associated with it.
  4. Select Save.
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