Recovering a past version(s) of a project can been done regardless of what stage a project is currently in: open, draft, pending, finalized, or archived.
You must be an Administrator or a Manager to access the RFMS Online website and recover deleted files.
How To:
1. Login to the RFMS Online website with your administrative credentials and navigate to the projects tile.
2. Under the Projects page locate the users folder.
3. Up above the projects is the file search bar. Enter the name of the project you are searching for. Additionally you can use the drop down box to select a different project status to narrow your search.
4. Select a file, then click on the recover button in upper right corner of the screen.
5. Next, a screen will pop up prompting you to select one, multiple, or all of the versions listed.
Restored project versions will be placed in the original users folder for them to have immediate access to.
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