RFMS is now on Zapier!



What is Zapier (and how do I even pronounce it)?

Zapier is an online service that connects two or more software applications together to perform a specific action. It's pronounced "Zappier", which rhymes with Happier. 

For example, you might have a WordPress website that includes a form for prospective customers to fill out and request an in-home estimate. It would be great if this information could flow directly into RFMS, or even better, into our RFMS CRM app and create an Opportunity. Zapier allows you to do that by connecting WordPress or one of hundreds of applications to RFMS or RFMS CRM.

Our presence on Zapier currently allows you to create new customers, quotes (without line items) and RFMS CRM Opportunities when an action (known as a trigger) is performed in another software application. 

Zapier does not require the use of a developer. Anyone with administrative credentials and a little bit of tech savvy can set up a "Zap".

  Note: If you would like the assistance of RFMS in setting up your Zap, our API consultants are also available to assist with the setup of these integrations for a fee. Please contact your CSM for a consultation quote. Each integration typically takes between 1-2 hours to perform.

How do I get started?

To use our Zapier integration, you must either be using RFMS CRM or have purchased purchased a subscription to the RFMS ERP software. Please see our article How RFMS Standard API can Work for Your Business to learn more.

  • RFMS' presence on Zapier is currently not published publicly, but is available via this Invite Link.
  • Use of Zapier will require that you provide your RFMS Store Queue number and an API token. Please see the article Generate API Credentials for Developers to learn how to do this.

Zapier will then walk you through the process of setting up your template to create a new customer or opportunity in RFMS. Please contact us at rfms-help@cyncly.com if you have any additional questions. 

Thanks and happy Zapping!

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