
Request for Enhancements to RFMS Public API

Good morning,

I would like to request the following enhancements to the RFMS public API to improve efficiency and reduce unnecessary data processing for both parties:

  1. Quotes Endpoint Enhancement
    • Please add the ability to query quotes based on the store number, similar to the existing order/find/advanced endpoint. This will allow us to retrieve only relevant data and minimize the processing of unnecessary information.
  2. Estimates Endpoint Enhancement
    • We would appreciate if the estimates/find endpoint could also support queries based on the store number, enabling more targeted data retrieval.
  3. Webhooks for Orders, Quotes, Estimates, and Customers
    • To streamline data synchronization, please consider implementing webhooks for orders, quotes, estimates, and customers. This would allow us to detect new entries and modifications in real-time, eliminating the need for frequent polling and reducing data overhead. Starting with orders and quotes would be particularly advantageous.

Thank you for considering these requests. We believe these improvements will greatly enhance the efficiency of our integration with the RFMS API.

Please let me know if you need any further information or clarification on these suggestions.



1 comment
  • Official comment

    Hi Jeff,

    Thank you for your feedback! We've added a parameter on the "Advanced Order Search" endpoint to let you run the same query for quotes.

    We've added #2 to our roadmap and will be able to update this post when that is complete. 

    #3 is frequently requested but is not on our short-term roadmap. We're reviewing how to offer it in the future but cannot guarantee it will be available at this time.


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