About half of our customers have issues with the My Flooring Link saying it wouldn't let them approve. The checkbox for approving terms and conditions and typing their name is usually what they miss because it is not obvious. The approval option just shows up as grey when there is information missing but it doesn't tell customers what information is missing. Ideally, as seen in most payment software, if they go to approve and there is missing information, it should show them what is missing to reduce confusion and frustration.
This has been a daily struggle for our showroom and members have been asking us to get it fixed.
Thank you all for the feedback. We're actively reviewing how we can make the steps to complete more clear. I'll update this ticket once changes are published.
I field multiple calls a week for customers that do not understand that they need to type their name in the 'signed by' box.
I had to write a Customer Guide with how frequent customers have been asking how to complete their approval. I included screenshots on the document to make the guide more informative.
Perhaps I'm just getting hypersensitive to this issue now that I've replied.. but this continues to present as a huge problem. I lost a sale this week because the client couldnt figure out how to approve, I just had another client minutes ago say they cant figure it out so they are no longer interested in the full quote.
Still walking multiple customers through it every week, most of them arent even my clients. I just answer the phones!
If a customer walks into the store, card in hand and they get told to wait for the salesperson, you lose the sale more often than not.. If a customer is at home with card in hand and cannot get to the finish line. I argue that its worse.
RFMS. PLEASE make this a priority.
Last one. Promise.. I think i've made my point.. Its just every day.
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