How to Export a Quote to an Order

When exporting a quote to an order the quote must first be saved. Be sure to tap save_button.png, and ensure that you are viewing, not editing the quote.


  • A quote can be exported more than once.
  • If there is a credit card pre-authorization associated with the quote, then it will be captured during the export to an order. 
  • If the pre-authorization has expired you will be alerted and asked if you still want to continue the export to an order.

Video Tutorial


Assigned Order Number

When exporting, an option will come up allowing you to enter your own order number. Leave this blank to have the system auto-assign a number.

auto assign order number.png

Ways to Export

Via the Quote Main Screen


Via the Customize PDF Screen
  1. Tap customize_pdf_button.png in the header of Order Entry while viewing a quote
  2. From the Customize PDF screen tap send.png
  3. Choose to export from the options that pop upexport from customizse pdf.png
Via the Presentation Screen
  1. From either the quote main screen or the customize PDF screen tap create_pdf_button.png
  2. From the Presentation screen tap send_2.png
  3. Choose to export from the options that pop upexport from presentation screen.png
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