There are multiple ways to add products or services to your quote or order. Begin by taping the gray plus icon, , to bring up the Add Menu. After an item has been added, then you can edit it.
Search for Product or Service
- From the dropdown box select Find Text. This option will be set automatically if you choose the Search Product option in the Add Menu.
- Select the Product Code to search within or choose "Any PC"
- Use RFMS Smart Search criteria in the search bar
- Tap Search to view results
- From the dropdown box select Find Barcode. This option will be set automatically if you choose the Scan Barcode option in the Add Menu.
- Choose a method to scan the barcode
- After scanning the search will begin automatically
Tip: A barcode can be entered manually after selecting one of the options above and then tapping Cancel.
- From the dropdown box select Find SKU. This option will be set automatically if you choose the Search SKU option in the Add Menu.
- Enter all or part of the manufacturer or supplier SKU
- Tap Search to view results
- From the Add Menu choose Add Unreferenced Line. Tap the new line to select it and open the Line tab
- In the Line tab you can search for a product to add or enter the information manually
- Selecting a product code for the item to be associated with will open up additional options. For example, if a roll type product code is selected, the option to enter roll width information will be made available.
Select Product or Service
- Tap the product or service name to select it.
- If it is a product, select the color or choose To Be Determined. For services go to step three.
- Select the price level.
- Add the product to the quote or order.
- This window will stay open allowing you to search for and add products and services until you select Close.
- The ability to view available inventory can be enabled/disabled for certain user levels. Please see the article User Roles and Permissions for more information.
- Looking to cut, reserve, or request inventory at this point? Please the article How to Reserve or Cut Inventory.
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